Revitalise your life with ION Body Armour®
Our popular wristbands are available in a variety of sizes and colours: comfortable, durable and able to be worn at all times, they can be a natural boost for the whole family and customers have reported improvements to:
- Back pain
- Arthritis
- Migraine
- Vertigo
- Anxiety
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Fibromyalgia

Most popular
Our popular wristbands are available in a variety of sizes and colours: comfortable, durable and able to be worn at all times, they can be a natural boost for the whole family.
ION Body Armour Range
ION Wristbands
Variety of colours and sizes
ION Watches
Black edition now available
ION Pet tags
For your furry friends
ION Shamballa
Look great- feel great
ION Insoles
Designed for performance
ION Equine Armour
Coming Soon
ION Apparel / Clothing
Wear Better, Look Better
ION Hydrogen Bottle
Revitalise Your Body with Every Sip
See all products
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How does ION Body Armour work
Having worked with negative ion products for several years, while we find that the effect negative ions have on one person can be very different from the next – the most common experience is that of improved health and wellbeing.